Tony T. Smith, candidate for Nevada's Assembly District 4, is putting forward his case for why he has the best chance to unseat the current Assemblyman, who has been in the legislature for 3 terms without accomplishing a single thing for the people. Tony is a native of Las Vegas, attending our schools and working in our community. Tony has also been unafraid to take tough stands on the issues. Finally, Tony is taking concrete steps to remain independent of Big Money donors so he can work for the people.
In contrast, Tony's opponent in the Democratic Party primary only moved to Las Vegas in the last 3 years. Further, she has only spoken in generalities rather than specifically addressing the issues facing our community and has taken no steps to remain free from the influence of wealthy donors. However, some of the most serious concerns about his opponent's viability in the general election stem from her own decision to fudge the numbers regarding the length of her Nevada residency. Scroll down to learn more.
Compare Tony's opponent's Secretary of State filing to her answers to the candidate questionnaire for the RJ.
Tony had no problem indicating the same length of Nevada residency in both his official Secretary of State form, as well as in his responses to the LVRJ questionnaire.
Tony T. Smith's opponent in the Democratic primary race for Assembly District 4 was caught fudging the numbers about the length of her residency in Nevada. Tony's opponent listed the length of her Nevada residency as 3 years on her official disclosure form filed with the Nevada Secretary of State and signed under oath. But in her profile for the widely circulated Las Vegas Review Journal's candidate guide she listed the length of her Nevada residency as 5 years.
The length of Tony's opponent's ties to Nevada have been an issue throughout the race, and it appears his opponent has decided to misrepresent the length of her Nevada residency rather than addressing how the issue will impact her potential viability in the general election against the most extreme Republican member of the Nevada Assembly.
More concerning, Tony's opponent refuses to take any clear public stands on the issues whereas Tony has been clear on what he will do if elected throughout the campaign.
The Democratic voters of Assembly District 4 will determine the impact of these issues at the polls, with early voting running from May 26, 2018 - June 8, 2018 and election day on June 12, 2018. Meanwhile, check out the video below and determine which candidate has the best chance of unseating the current extreme Republican Assemblyman in District 4.