Tony T. Smith Wants An Honest Deal for All Nevadans
Tony T. Smith is running to represent the people of Assembly District 4 so we can create an Honest Deal for all Nevadans. Tony believes that the primary job of our political representatives is to protect and improve the interests for all people, not just the most powerful. That is why Tony will reach out to every resident of District 4 to create solutions inside and outside of government. And you'll know that Tony will always be representing you because he refuses to accept any donation over $250.
The following text is placeholder known as “lorem ipsum,” which is scrambled Latin used by designers to mimic real copy. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet Nullam vel ultricies metus, at tincidunt arcu. Morbi vestibulum, ligula ut efficitur mollis, mi massa accumsan justo, accumsan auctor orci lectus ac ipsum. Proin porta nisl sem, ac suscipit lorem dignissim et. Curabitur euismod nec augue vitae dictum. Nam mattis, massa quis consequat molestie, erat justo vulputate tortor, a sollicitudin turpis felis eget risus. Aliquam viverra urna felis, eu ornare enim consectetur sed. Morbi vitae ultrices velit. Sed molestie consectetur metus. Proin neque eros, dapibus ac accumsansodales sit amet velit.